Is Epilogue Wills a Legit Canadian Will Writing Company? Read Our Review…

When I first heard about Epilogue Wills, a Canadian will writing service, I was intrigued by the idea of creating a will online. The thought of sitting down with a lawyer and dealing with all the legal jargon felt overwhelming, not to mention expensive. But then I found out Epilogue is designed specifically for Canadians, offering an easy, affordable way to create a legally binding will. Here’s what I discovered after trying it out.

Company Overview

  • Cost: Starting at $139
  • Google rating: 4.8/5 stars
  • Founders: Daniel Goldgut and Arin Klug
  • Company HQ: Toronto, ON.
  • Service Available in: Epilogue Wills is available for residents of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario. As well as those in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador.
Epilogue Wills Reviews

Epilogue Wills is rated 4.8 out of 5 stars on Google Reviews

What I Loved About Epilogue Wills:

  1. It’s Surprisingly Simple:The process is incredibly easy to follow. Epilogue walks you through everything step-by-step, with clear explanations at every turn. Even if you’ve never thought much about estate planning (like me!), it makes sense. I finished the entire will in about 20 minutes. That’s it. No lawyer appointments, no headaches.
  2. Affordable and Transparent:One of the best things? The price. For just $139 CAD, you can get your will done, or if you want to add a Power of Attorney, it’s only $179 CAD. Compared to the hundreds or even thousands you’d spend with a lawyer, this felt like a no-brainer. Plus, there are no hidden fees, which I appreciate.
  3. Built for Canadians:This was a huge plus for me. Epilogue is for Canadians, so I knew I was getting a document that would actually hold up in my province. They even adjust for the slight differences in laws across the country, which gave me peace of mind.
  4. It’s Personalizable:I was able to include everything I wanted—naming my executor, picking a guardian for my kids, and even leaving a donation to my favorite charity. I liked that I could make it my own without feeling like I was filling in a generic template.
  5. Free Updates for a Year:Life happens, right? Epilogue offers free updates for a year, so if anything changes—like you buy a new home or your family situation shifts—you can update your will easily without paying extra. That flexibility was reassuring.

What Could Be Better:

  1. It’s Best for Simple Estates:Epilogue might not cover all your needs if you’ve got a really complex estate. For example, if you have multiple properties or a family business. This is more for the person who wants a straightforward will. That’s fine for most people, but it’s something to keep in mind.
  2. No Legal Advice:While Epilogue is great for helping you create a will, they don’t offer legal advice. If you’re someone who needs guidance on how to handle more complicated decisions or tax implications, you’d still need to consult a lawyer.
  3. Signing and Witnessing:After you finish the will, you have to print it out, sign it, and have it witnessed. That part is still up to you, which might feel a bit old-school. It would be nice if there were an option for digital signing or remote witnessing.

Who I Think Epilogue Wills is Perfect For:

If you’re like me, and you’ve been putting off getting your will done because it seemed too complicated or too expensive, Epilogue is an absolute win. It’s perfect for people with simple estates—maybe you own a home, have some savings, and want to ensure your loved ones are cared for. And, of course, it’s for Canadians like you and me, so you know the document will hold up legally.

Final Thoughts:

Honestly, I was relieved after using Epilogue. I feel good knowing that my family is protected and that I can document my wishes in full detail. And I didn’t have to drain my bank account or spend hours figuring it all out. If you’re in Canada and looking for an affordable, easy way to get your will done, I can’t recommend Epilogue enough. It’s simple, it’s reliable, and it’s a huge weight off your shoulders.

Epilogue Wills: FAQ

1. What is Epilogue Wills?

As we covered earlier, Epilogue Wills is an online will writing service that helps Canadians create legally binding wills and estate planning documents—all from the comfort of your own home.

2. Is Epilogue Wills legally valid in Canada?

Absolutely! The wills you create with Epilogue are 100% legally binding in Canada, EXCEPT Quebec, as long as you follow the proper steps. Simply print, sign, and have the will witnessed according to the laws in your province. Epilogue is not available in the Northern territories though.

3. How long does it take to create a will with Epilogue?

Honestly, not long at all—around 20 minutes! Epilogue walks you through everything step by step, so you don’t need to worry about getting stuck on complicated legal stuff. It’s quick, easy, and stress-free.

4. How much does Epilogue Wills cost?

Epilogue is super affordable. You can get a basic will for $139 CAD. Or, for $199 CAD, you’ll also get powers of attorney for both property and personal care. And the best part? You can update the documents anytime at no additional cost.

5. What’s included in the Will & Power of Attorney Plan?

With this plan, you get your will plus two other key documents:

  • Power of Attorney for Property: This lets someone manage your financial affairs if you can’t.
  • Power of Attorney for Personal Care: This gives someone authority to make medical and personal care decisions on your behalf if you’re not able to.

6. Can I update my will after I create it?

Yes! You can make free updates after creating your will. If anything changes—like a new home or family addition—you can log back in and update your will anytime at no additional cost.

7. What happens after I create my will on Epilogue?

Once your will is ready, you’ll need to print it out. Don’t forget to sign it. As well as get two witnesses to sign it as well. Just be sure they are not beneficiaries. This step is crucial to make sure your will is legally valid in Canada.

8. Is Epilogue good for complex estates?

Epilogue is best for people with simple to moderately complex estates. You might need more detailed advice from a lawyer if you have multiple properties, businesses, or complex tax needs. But for most people, Epilogue covers everything you need.

9. Does Epilogue offer legal advice?

Not quite. While Epilogue guides you through the will-making process, it doesn’t offer personalized legal advice. You’ll want to consult a lawyer if you have specific questions about taxes or complex estate planning.

10. Is Epilogue safe and secure?

Definitely! Epilogue uses industry-standard encryption to protect your personal data with strict privacy policies in place. Your information is safe and secure throughout the process.

11. Who can use Epilogue Wills?

Epilogue is for Canadian residents who need a will. Whether you’re single, married, have kids, or own a home, Epilogue can help you create a will that fits your life.

12. Can I create a will for both myself and my spouse?

Yes! You and your spouse can each create your own will on Epilogue. Just remember, each person needs their own will, but you can coordinate your estate plans to reflect similar wishes.

13. What makes Epilogue different from other will-making services?

Epilogue is tailored specifically for Canadians, so you know it’s built with Canadian laws in mind. It’s also super easy to use, affordable, and perfect for anyone with a straightforward estate. Plus, they offer excellent customer support if you need help along the way.

14. What if I need help while creating my will?

No worries! Epilogue has a support team ready to help via email or chat. If you get stuck or have a question, they’ll guide you through the process.

15. Is there a refund policy?

Yes! Epilogue offers a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not happy with the service for any reason, just reach out within 30 days of purchase for a refund.

Lauren Brown

Lauren has over 13 years of experience in wealth management and financial planning. She is a CFA charterholder and holds a Bachelor's degree in Finance. Lauren has worked with several asset management firms, offering wealth advisory and portfolio management services to high-net-worth clients.