Alberta Inflation Calculator
In Alberta, a basket of goods and services
$ in
$ in
Inflation Rate from 1960 to 2024:
Total Number of Years:
Average Annual Inflation Rate:
Annual CPI for 2015:
Annual CPI for 2018:
This graph shows the trend for the selected dates:

Alberta Inflation Calculator

albertaIf you want to track inflation rates in Alberta, you are on the right page. This calculator uses the Alberta Consumer Price Index from 1978 (earliest year available from Statistics Canada) to 2015 to measure the effect of inflation. Statistics Canada releases separate CPI rates for the cities of Edmonton and Calgary, and we are in the process of developing separate calculators for these two cities, but in the meantime you can use the Alberta provincial inflation which should be very close to the one of the aforementioned cities. Simply enter the amount of dollars near the “original costing” field, then choose the two years you want to compare.

How does this calculator work?

As mentioned above, this calculator uses the latest Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) from Statistics Canada for the province of Alberta. Statcan releases a new CPI for Alberta and all other provinces on a monthly basis, and has historical rates for the province of Alberta going all the way down to 1979 (1914 for Canada). Our calculator’s engine extracts the data as soon as it is published on the government’s website, so you can be guaranteed that the numbers are up to date.

What is the Consumer Price Index (CPI)?

The Consumer Price Index measures the increase of the cost of basic products and services that Canadians consume on a daily basis, such as: food, shelter, clothing, healthcare, transportation, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. In this case, we focus on the CPI for the province of Alberta only. A CPI increase means the inflation goes up. The CPI is calculated monthly and is published by Statistics Canada on their website as soon as it comes out. Every province has its own CPI rates as well. Again, cities like Calgary and Edmonton have their own CPI releases and we will soon be launching separate calculators for these two cities so check back soon!

Notice a mistake or bug with the calculator?

We do our best to ensure our results are accurate and match the CPI data provided by Statistics Canada. However, like with every script, errors and/or bugs do occasionally pop up, especially during the update process. If you think you are getting the wrong numbers for Alberta or any other province, or you are getting an error message during the calculation, please contact our administrator and it will get resolved in a flash.

Useful Alberta Resources

  • Alberta Business Loans: if you want to start a business in Alberta, this article will help you find financing and loans.
  • Alberta Equipment Loans: if you need to purchase equipment for your business in Alberta, this article will provide you with some valuable resources.
  • Alberta Debt Consolidation: if high inflation has affected your finances negatively, this article can provide some financial resources to alleviate debt in AB.
  • Alberta Business Insurance: if you need business insurance in Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat or elsewhere in Alberta, this article will provide you with some options.
  • Alberta Low Income Benefits: these resources can help those with low income deal with financial hardships and debt relief.