
Updated: September 10th, 2024

InflationCalculator.ca is an independent, nonprofit blog that is not affiliated with Statistics Canada or any government entity. Our mission is to provide Canadians with accurate and up-to-date information on inflation and the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

We strive to ensure the accuracy of the data and calculations provided on our site, which is sourced directly from Statistics Canada. However, we encourage users to cross-check this data with official government sources (Statscan) especially when making important financial decisions.

Additionally, to keep this website running and cover the operating costs, some of the blog posts and articles on our site include reviews of popular Canadian financial products and services. We may receive commissions from certain companies if users choose to purchase products or services through the links on our site. Again, this compensation does not influence the objectivity of our reviews, as we remain committed to providing unbiased and reliable information for the benefit of our readers.

If you encounter any issues with our content or tools, please feel free to contact us, and we will address them promptly.


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